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Showing posts from 2020

Beyond Tables

  Don’t get me wrong. I love a good table. Structured columns and rows, what’s not to like? But in the absence of sufficient knowledge and skills to convey the complexity of my thinking, I have been guilty of some table misuse it appears. The Spark   I wonder if you also saw the Twitter discussion about Louise Cass’s (@louisecass) beautiful halogens graphic organiser? Louise posted her carefully crafted and colourful graphic, and attracted praise and compliments from many for her design. The post also ignited a lively debate* about the merits of using a graphic organiser versus a table. The benefits of the organiser were apparent, but the table had advantages also. Tempted as I was to dive in to this discussion, I decided to abstain. I am a blatant novice on the subject matter (!), but also felt on reflection that both approaches in this case were likely to be effective in the classroom in the skilful and enthusiastic hands of their proponents. Light Bulb Moment Ro...

Get stuck in...!

Securing student participation in remote learning can be challenging, but using Google Jamboard might be a way you ensure they all get stuck in! Here’s how… Open Jamboard from the Google '9 dots' menu: Click the + to create a new Jam: Give the Jam a name: Add text/images/shapes/notes to the Jam using the menu options on the left: Add further frames using the arrow at the top (also use this to move between frames): Name the frame for a student. Click the blue share button to share with them by email. Instruct the student to only edit the Jam frame with their name on: Click the grey frames icon to see the frame bar: You can duplicate frames if you want students to work on your template: Watch live as your students join the Jam and start to edit (the large M icon at the top tells you Megan is in the Jam, the tiny M icon on the palm branch shows you what she's doing!): View the frame bar to scan progress of a number of students: Benefits: - See students working live simultaneou...