A light-hearted look at your new best Friends in the classroom! Take a stroll to Central Perk with me as I introduce you to six effective learning strategies you may want to get to know better! Retrieval Practice – Rachel What you see is what you get. Delightful as they are, it is probably fair to say that neither Rachel, nor retrieval practice, are particularly complicated compared to some of the others. They’re easy to read, likeable and popular! And, like the 90’s hairdo craze inspired by Miss Green, pretty much everyone’s having a go at this one! There’s plenty of examples out there under the # and some really great books to help too such as ‘Powerful Teaching’ by @PoojaAgarwal and @PatriceBain1, and ‘Retrieval Practice’ by @87History. Chandler – Interleaving What does he do again...?! No-one understands what Chandler does. And no-one really understands what interleaving does. (OK, some of you do, but be honest, this is the one you shu...