Curric-onomics: WHAT TO TEACH, AND WHEN? The Structure of Content, Choosing Contexts, and the Repeating Quest – Part 1
WHAT TO TEACH, AND WHEN? The Structure of Content, Choosing Contexts, and the Repeating Quest – Part 1 The thinking in this section accepts: - That in economics we will teach students the core canon of existing economic thought (presented as ‘the best we have thus far’, rather than ‘fact’) in terms of substantive knowledge. - That we will also teach the required 'user' disciplinary knowledge elements of application, analysis and evaluation to enable students to become skilful users of existing theory, as well as developing 'theorist' disciplinary knowledge and wider awareness by questioning existing theory and highlighting the continued development of the subject. The Structure of the Subject I conceive of the substantive subject knowledge in economics as being arranged in different parts or layers. I have named this idea: the ‘Russian doll model’. The core area...