*Deep breaths*. OK, so you’re telling me that catering my lesson activities towards visual, auditory and kinaesthetic learners was a waste of time. Oh my. And the classic ‘you retain 90% of what you teach’ stat; also nonsense. Yikes. If you’re not a cognitive scientist, and you’ve been in teaching long enough, then you’ve probably experienced this kind of horror moment. Dealing with the Feeling When you read about the debunking of an educational myth that you’d (to some degree or another) gone along with, it doesn’t feel good. It fact, it feels a little embarrassing. How could I, a degree-educated and (hopefully!) reasonably intelligent person, have gobbled up this stuff with so little critique? It’s somewhat humbling. Hindsight's a great thing though remember. Denial might be your first response. This doesn't last long though as defending the roundly debunked quickly becomes untenable. Second response: distancing. I didn’t write a book on any of ...